If you choose to end your marriage, it may be possible to obtain spousal maintenance payments from your former partner. Wisconsin law takes a variety of factors into account when deciding if an individual is entitled to alimony as part of a divorce settlement. Those factors may include the length of a marriage, the ability for a person to earn a living and anything else that may be relevant in a given case.
How long were you married?
The length of your marriage could determine how much you’re entitled to on a monthly basis. It may also determine whether you’re entitled to receive payments on a temporary or permanent basis. Generally speaking, courts tend to award more money to those who have been married for several decades as opposed to several months. This is because a longer marriage is a sign that you were truly committed to your partner and that you likely made significant contributions to the success of your household. Therefore, a judge will typically allow you to share in that success after the relationship ends.
Can you maintain a reasonable standard of living?
After a divorce, you’re supposed to enjoy a similar lifestyle to the one that you had while married. If you can provide that lifestyle for yourself, a judge may not require your spouse to provide financial assistance. However, if you cannot do so, your spouse will likely be ordered to provide alimony.
What other factors might be considered by a judge?
A judge might take into account your physical health, age and tax bracket when crafting a spousal support order. He or she might also take into account any agreements that were made during the course of the marriage. A family law attorney may provide insight into other variables that might impact your case.
An attorney may be able to help you obtain alimony as part of a final divorce settlement. Legal counsel may use bank statements, tax records or other records to show that you will need assistance from your former spouse after your marriage ends.