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How does the intoxicated driver program in Wisconsin work?

On Behalf of | Oct 12, 2021 | Criminal Defense |

Wisconsin residents who have obtained a driving while intoxicated (DWI) charge might be required to take classes to prevent it from happening in the future. This education is given through the state’s Intoxicated Driver Program, which can provide treatment alongside education to lower the chances of reoffending.

What are the first steps of the program?

When a Wisconsin driver is convicted of a DWI, the court might order them to be assessed by an agency in their county. The assessment will look at the driver’s history, determine if the person has a drinking problem, and review any external factors that led to the incident.

From there, the program creates a driver safety plan. This plan is used to tell the driver what they’re required to do, such as attend driving safety classes or get treatment for alcohol use disorder.

This plan is meant to provide individualized help to drivers in order to reduce the chances of that driver driving while under the influence again. As such, each driver safety plan might look a little different based on the specifics of their conviction and assessment.

How long do the programs take?

Generally, plans are not allowed to go over a year. However, part of the driver safety plan involves the driver being reassessed and as a result might take longer. The program length also varies depending on what’s all in the plan. For example, a driver who’s ordered to take safety courses might end up having a longer program.

Once the program has been completed, the agency in the driver’s county will let the Department of Transportation know. It’s important to note that without completing the program driving privileges can’t be reinstated – and successful completion of the program does lead to a lower DWI recidivism rate.



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