Whether you are a teen who recently started driving or you are the parent of a driver under the age of 21, you need to familiarize yourself with the strict drunk driving laws in this state. Every year, many young people have their lives upended as a result of drunk driving charges.
In fact, young drivers sometimes find themselves in this position unexpectedly, which is especially likely given the fact that any alcohol detected in a teen driver’s system is against the law.
Underage drunk driving and absolute sobriety
According to the Department of Transportation, drivers who have not reached the age of 21 cannot legally drive with any amount of alcohol in their system. In the state of Wisconsin, the law requires drivers under the age of 21 to maintain absolute sobriety. For young drivers, this law means that even a minute amount of alcohol can lead to serious charges, and some young drivers find themselves wrongly accused of this offense.
The consequences of underage drunk driving charges
Unfortunately, some young people do not realize that drinking a little bit of alcohol can turn their life upside down. With peer pressure, and a lack of familiarity with drinking, drunk driving is often especially concerning with respect to young drivers. These charges can lead to harsh repercussions, such as a license suspension and fine.
Moreover, drunk driving charges could jeopardize your future, whether you struggle from an academic point of view or while trying to apply for a job. Make sure you handle drunk driving charges carefully and thoroughly evaluate your options.