It can be a challenge to prove your innocence in the context of a restraining order. You may feel overwhelmed and uncertain about the best course of action, and it may even seem that the odds are against you.
While these types of legal matters can be complex, understanding some key principles can help shed light on this situation. You can proceed with confidence when you know the right steps you can take.
Document everything
To establish your innocence, meticulous documentation is your strongest ally. Keep a record of your daily activities, including dates, times and locations. This comprehensive diary can serve as a reliable trail of evidence, demonstrating that you were not in violation of the restraining order during the alleged incidents.
Digital footprint
In today’s digital age, our online presence can be a powerful tool to prove innocence. Text messages, emails and social media posts can serve as a digital alibi, helping establish that you were not in proximity to the individual protected by the restraining order. Be sure to preserve and organize this digital evidence to present a compelling case.
Witness testimonies
Seek out individuals who can vouch for your whereabouts during the specified times. Witnesses can provide firsthand accounts that support your claim of innocence. Whether you turn to friends, family or colleagues, their testimonies can strengthen your defense and challenge any allegations made against you.
Restraining orders are relatively common, with sources indicating that courts approve about 90% of requests for protective orders to go into effect. With that in mind, it can also be easy to encounter accusations of violating a restraining order. You can take heart in knowing that there are options for disputing these accusations.